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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Rising from the Ashes

5/19/2024 (Permalink)

Kitchen Fire This is a fire caused by a toaster.

Rising from the Ashes

Fire, both awe-inspiring and destructive, has the power to consume everything in its path within minutes. The aftermath is overwhelming. Understanding the causes, effects, and steps to recovery is crucial.

Common Causes of Fires

Fires can ignite from various sources, each presenting unique risks:

  • Electrical Malfunctions
  • Cooking Accidents
  • Heating Equipment
  • Smoking
  • Arson and Intentional Fires

From faulty wiring, overloaded circuits and damaged appliances can spark and cause a fire. Leaving stoves unattended while cooking or having flammable materials near the cooking area causes most residential fires. Space heaters and improperly maintained furnaces can pose fire hazards especially in the colder months.

Improperly extinguishing cigarettes or discarded ashes can ignite fire both indoors and outdoors. Then you have deliberate acts of arson or vandalism that can cause extensive property damage and endanger lives.

Here is an example of a fire that was caused by a toaster. No one was home and lucky enough the neighbor seen the flames through a roof vent and called 911. This saved the home from being a total loss and the homeowners losing everything.

If you have had a fire and would like an inspection, please call our office 559-453-3336.

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