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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

One Small Drip

5/18/2024 (Permalink)

Roof Leak The roof on this commercial building needs to be repaired.

One Small Drip

Water is an essential part of our lives and can also be a source of great destruction. A small leak in a roof can cause havoc in a business in such a short time. Understanding its causes, effects, and prevention measures is important for safeguarding your property and your peace of mind.

Identifying Some Common Causes

Water Damage can originate from various sources, each posing unique challenges:

  • Leaking Pipes and Plumbing
  • Roof Leaks
  • Appliance Malfunctions
  • Natural Disasters

From aging pipes, corrosion to poor installation, damaged gutters, and shingles, this can allow water to seep into a business causing gradual damage over time.

It’s important to schedule routine inspections of your plumbing, roof and appliances to detect any potential issues before they escalate.

Here is an example of a roof that needs to be repaired. This is one area where the rainwater was able to seep from a leak in the roof through the attic and down to the ceiling tiles. The owner of the building called us out right away thinking it could be mold.  We did an inspection and found it to just be water saturated and stained from the attic materials. This happened to be a very mild water damage and the building owner caught it before it was catastrophic.

If you need an inspection, please call our office at 559-453-3336.

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